I may not be online after October 15. I am checking one thing with my family member. I go by Sheryl/Lola/Noelle/Whatever you want to call me (girl names)
Pronouns: She/her
I'm a Minor I am on quite a few websites.I like many shows. I love reading books.Fav things Online, dolls, diys, reading and writing.Things I'm ok at:Drawing and a few more.I am ok with girl things. I also go lots of places.
I am known as the girl with many websites and gave that nickname to myself.
Also if anyone needs help with etymologies or just help in general, I will help you unless I am on vacation doing school or whatever.
Dislikes: Scariness, People who follow me so that they can follow back, NSFW and being corrected with the tiniest mistakes.
Likes: Anything that isn't on that list.
My background picture may change.
The closest thing to a bad word I say is the D (Da*n not the one with r) word but other then that nothing to bad.
Fandoms: KOTLC (currently), PJO (formely), HOO (formely), Kane Chronicles (formely), Chronicles Of Narnia (sometimes), The Outsiders (formely;sometimes), Tuck Everlasting (formely but not as much as the last one), Harry Potter (read all of them and kind've) and more to be added soon.
Fun Fact/Fact: I have the most headcanons/canons about elves that are said on the Keeper wiki.